Our Extra-Neurordinary Newsletter
028. Craving Normalcy: How to Overcome the Brain’s Immunity to Change
Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there's been a palpable human craving to get back to "normal." Our routines were upended, and the familiar comfort of our...
026. The Neuroscience of Adaptability
In today’s rapidly evolving world, adaptability isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity. But the old playbook of rigid strategies and fixed mindsets is no longer relevant. Instead, the future belongs to those who can adapt, innovate, and thrive in uncertainty.
027. The Shifting Sands of Employee Well-being
How many times have you said or heard “Life is a bit of a circus but I’m rolling with the punches?” Over the last 70 years, the benchmarks for personal and employee...
025. Unleashing Brain Capital with Wharton’s Michael Platt: Loyalty, Human Connection & Brain Synchrony
In a world where traditional leadership and HR practices are imploding and rapidly evolving, I’m thrilled to release this edition of my newsletter. It highlights the...
024. Neuromanagement Insights: Rethinking Busyness as the Holidays Approach
As the holiday season whirls into full swing, we find ourselves caught in a dizzying array of deadlines and demands. Picture this: You're racing against the clock to...
023. The Science of Gratitude and How It Can Help Your Team This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the good things in life and express our gratitude to those who matter to us. But not everyone feels the same way about this holiday....
022. Do You Still Believe in the School of Hard Knocks? Get Over It!
It’s time for another brainy update! And I’m once again debunking another one of those not-so-effective-anymore management myths. This week, I’m challenging the old...
021. The most surprising thing I learned at the Wharton Neuroscience Summit 2023
In the modernistic surroundings of Huntsman Hall at the Wharton School, where the future of business pulses like the very neurons we were there to discuss, a...
020. Neuroscience Flips the Script on Employee Engagement
Time to Retrain Your Brain, Managers! Hey Managers, ever felt like you've tried everything to boost employee engagement but still not hitting the mark? It’s time to...
019. Brains Over Brawn: Neuromanagement is Crushing Traditional Leadership Tactics
Brains Over Brawn: Neuromanagement is Crushing Traditional Leadership Tactics Attention, leaders! If the phrase "old habits die hard" describes your management style,...
018. Wiring the Future: Why Some Managers Flourish and Others Don’t—It’s All in Their Heads!
Wiring the Future: Why Some Managers Flourish and Others Don't—It's All in Their Heads! Ever sat there, gobsmacked, wondering why some managers lead like they've been...
017. The Surprising Neuroscience of Trust in the Workplace
The Surprising Neuroscience of Trust in the Workplace In this week’s ExtraNeurordinary Newsletter, I’m taking you to the intersection of neuroscience and the daily...