My Future Business Interview with IRA WOLFE #covid19 #technology #irawolfe Hi, and welcome to the show! On today’s My Future Business Show I have the pleasure of spending time with author, business owner, Ted X speaker and Chief Googlization Officer IRA WOLFE. During the call, Ira shares insights into a post-covid19 world, and talks about how technology will not only play a big part in helping us to navigate our way through the pandemic, but also how it will forever change the way we manage our businesses. Ira shares examples of how we are already seeing organizations changing the way they manage their businesses and in turn, their workers. An example of this can be seen as we observe large numbers of employees working from home. On this content rich call, Ira also talks about how many employers pre-covid19, preferred to have their employees in front of them, in an office environment. With that in mind, in a post-covid19 world, Ira suggests that many employees will openly resist the daily commute to and from the workplace, especially where there is no need to be in an office when much of their work can be done online. Along with discussion on how technology is going to compliment the way we interact with our colleagues, friends, and loved ones, especially during a time of social isolation, Ira shares how technology is also going to have a positive impact on our environment. This measurable and positive impact on our environment can be witnessed by observing the period of time where China’s Wuhan province was in lockdown, and the satellite view of their sky’s overhead were comparatively clear, and during this same period of time where the water in Venice’s famous waterways were also clear and marine life returned. I wonder…what can we learn from this pandemic? This was a fascinating deep dive conversation into how technology will forever change how we live, work and interact in a post covid-19 world. Don’t miss this call! For more information about Ira’s book Recruiting in The Age of Googllization, or to contact Ira directly, click the link below. Thanks again Ira, for being my guest on The My Future Business Show! Rick Nuske PS: To get in front of your best audience and stay there, click the book your interview button below. Thanks for joining us on the show today, and if you liked this call, support the show by clicking on our big red YouTube subscribe button below, and share us with your friends.