
An Exclusive Interview

Breakfast Leadership Show

A “Millennial trapped in a Baby Boomer body,” Ira is recognized as one of Thinkers 360 Top 5 Global Thought Leaders on Future of Work and HR and Top 10 for Leadership.

He is a 6X author with the just released “Create Great Workplace in a Remote World” and top-rated “Recruiting in the Age of Googlization,” now in its 2nd edition. He is the co-host of Geeks, Geezers and Googlization podcast, ranked in the top 1% of podcasts and was recently inducted into the HRSouthwest Speaker Hall of Fame.

Personal Website: https://irawolfe.com

Company Website: https://adaptabilitytoolkit.com

Podcast: https://geeksgeezersgooglization.com

Community: https://googlizationnation.com

Newsletter: https://nevernormaltimes.com

Most Recent Book: https://amzn.to/3fUayRV

Top-Rated Book: https://amzn.to/2SmxObK

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